WritingSkills.my.id - Actually, a memorandum or a memo is a short or brief note which is generally used by a company internally. A memo is ...
A memo should be a short message or a brief warning, instead of a long letter. A memo is frequently used to notify the latest information existing in a company such as policy change, a raise in product price, and so on, and also to persuade or instruct the memo receiver to act soon such as attending a meeting, paper saving, or changing in procedure of production.
Apart from its specific purpose, a memo will be effective when it is able to reconcile the memo sender's purpose and the memo receiver's need.
Some examples of memos are having the titles such as:
"From the desk of...""Don't forget...""Reminders..."
And also the content of the memo is very short, such as:
"Buy more paper clips""Meet with President at 2:30"
It is true that a memo is generally brief and short, but it is also informative and persuasive. However, there are also longer memos with more complex information about the problems occurring in an office. Any memo sizes, both long and short, simple and complex, official or unofficial, the purpose of the memo is always the same, that is the message is delivered to the reader effectively and efficiently.
Also read: 3 Parts or Segments of A Business Memo & Examples, Samples