WritingSkills.my.id - Contractions is one type of abbreviations . In this post, I will explain the definition of contractions, and a...
- Dr. is a familiar contraction of doctor.
- St. is a familiar contraction of saint or street.
Such forms are invariably followed by a period.
Another kind of contraction is the type with an apostrophe marking the omission of letters.
Contraction is a shortened word, that is a shortened form or shortening of a word or phrase, such as:
- "she'll" for "she will"
- "can't" for "cannot"
- "didn't" for "did not"
- "you've" for "you have"
In English, the omitted letter or letters are usually marked with an apostrophe or a period, depending on the type of contraction.
The following is a list of commonly used contractions in English:
- aren't = are not
- can't = cannot
- couldn't = could not
- didn't = did not
- doesn't = does not
- don't = do not
- hadn't = had not
- hasn't = has not
- he'd = he had; he would
- he'll = he will
- haven't = have not
- he's = he is; he has
- here's = here is
- I'd = I had; I would; I should
- I'll = I will; I shall
- I'm = I am
- isn't = is not
- it'd = it had; it would
- it'll = it will
- I've = I have
- let's = let us
- ma'am = madam
- mustn't = must not
- needn't = need not
- oughtn't = ought not
- shan't = shall not
- she'd = she had; she would
- she'll = she will
- she's = she is; she has
- shouldn't = should not
- that'll = that will
- that's = that is; that has
- there's = there is
- they'd = they had; they would
- they'll = they will
- they're = they are
- they've = they have
- wasn't = was not
- we'd = we had; we would
- we'll = we will; we shall
- weren't = were not
- we've = we have
- what's = what is; what has
- where's = where is
- who's = who is; who has
- who've = who have
- won't = will not
- wouldn't = would not
- you'd = you had; you would
- you'll = you will
- you're = you are
- you've = you have